Mortgage consulting in Tel Aviv, Petah Tikva and Jerusalem
Mortgage advisors
אלכסנדר סינדלובסקי
, קרני שומרון
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, רמת גן
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שמעון מייזלס
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Mortgage advice
Shia HaShemin Ltd. Private Mortgage Consulting was established at the end of 2004 by Yoav Ben Shimol. I am a pioneer in the field and behind 18 years of experience in independent consulting. Over the years a lot of experience has been gained and big gaps have been identified, which are reflected in the amount of the monthly repayment and the quality of the mortgage throughout its years. There is a fundamental difference between a mortgage taken out directly from the bank, through the bank's salespeople, compared to a mortgage taken out through an independent professional, who puts together an optimal mortgage mix that suits the customer's character and lifestyle. An objective mortgage consultant uses his extensive knowledge of the mortgage market, and channels it to the benefit of the client. I work with a wide variety of mortgage bank managements, the close relationship with the bank managements allows me to get a quick response to our customers, as well as to get loan approvals under the optimal conditions, within a few hours to a day. My goal is for the client to get the mortgage that is best suited to his needs and abilities and his financial conduct, so that he can deal with it throughout the period without any interruptions and sharp fluctuations of any kind.
: Meet Yoav Ben Shimol, the owner of Shia Ha-Sheven Mortgage Consulting - who explains how you can take out a smart loan and meet it
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אלכסנדר סינדלובסקי
, קרני שומרון
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, רמת גן
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שמעון מייזלס
, נחם
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חביבה שמעון
, מושב נחם
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ישי מיזלס
, קרני שומרון
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עופר שלום אלקובי
, ירושלים
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מתן אלקוני
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דורון מינין
, רמת גן
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משה ט
, רעננה
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רותם חדד
, טירת כרמל
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